Dr. Rohit Varma — Most Common Eye Infection

Eyes are not exempted from having defects and infections. Everyone would suffer from it at one point or another in their lifetime. Some infections are minor which don’t cause many problems, while some others won’t get treated easily at home. How to identify whether you have an infection in the eyes or not?
● Red or pink eyes
● Watery eyes
● Swollen or dry eyes
● Pain and itching
● Eye discharge
● Blurry vision

If you have noticed any of the above symptoms, you are likely to have an eye infection. You should immediately visit an eye doctor and get done an eye exam. Trying to self-diagnose and treating delays the treatment and the condition can get worse, which may lead to permanent vision loss.
1. Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis
One of the common eye infections infected by bacteria or viruses. Allergic reactions are caused by exposure to chemicals, for example in swimming or while working under certain conditions, can also be the cause of infectious conjunctivitis. As the name suggests, it affects the conjunctiva, the outermost membrane surrounding the eyeball, where the blood vessels in the conjunctiva get infected and the eyes turn pink or red and inflamed. The bacteria or virus that causes conjunctivitis is highly contagious. The affected person can spread it even after two weeks from the starting of infection. Depending on the type of conjunctivitis you have, bacterial or viral or allergic, there will be variations in the symptoms as well as in treatment.

2. Endophthalmitis
Endophthalmitis results from bacterial or fungal infection. It is an infection that seriously affects the interior of the eye, causing inflammation inside the eye. The most common cause of endophthalmitis is Candida fungal infections. This condition can also happen after your eyes are penetrated by an object or in some cases after certain eye surgeries like cataract surgery. It is based on the cause and the severity of the condition, treatment is determined.
3. Keratitis
Keratitis is the condition affected by the cornea of the eyes. It can happen either by viruses or bacteria or fungus. People who wear contact lenses are more susceptible to Acanthamoeba keratitis as they have a high risk of encountering parasite invasion to the eyes. Thus, contact wearers should follow safety measures and avoid activities like swimming to avoid exposure.

4. Trachoma
Related to Chlamydia trachomatis, the infectious trachoma is spread by flies in unsanitary environments and is contagious. It is considered as a leading eye infection that leads to vision loss in many parts of the world. The infection usually affects the inner eyelid, which begins to scar. Eventually, the scarring leads to an “in-turning” of the eyelid and when eyelashes begin to brush with each other corneal tissues get destroyed which ultimately causes blindness.
Complications of Eye Infections
Though eye infections are often considered as a common problem in primary care, lack of sufficient treatment and care could make the condition worse. Infections can affect the eyes, including upper and lower eyelids to create a chalazion or stye which can eventually lead to a serious infection called orbital cellulitis which is affected by the tissues of the eyeball that can even lead to death. It is important to diagnose the underlying cause of the infections, which can lead to severe vision loss otherwise.

Being a leading eye surgeon in Los Angeles, California, United States, Dr. Rohit Varma offers all kinds of eye treatment from highly trained ophthalmologists in Los Angeles, California, United States. Featured with advanced surgical equipment and technological support, Dr. Rohit Varma has the best eye clinic in Los Angeles, California, United States that provides the safest surgeries from the best eye surgeons in Los Angeles, California, United States.
Major Eye Problems During The Winter Season
Lack of moisture and humid conditions during winters cause various eye problems. The extreme temperature brings along various health hazards that you need to deal with. Winters are the favorite season of the year for many because it is filled with festivities and pleasure of eating scrumptious food. However, you need to take precautions for your eye health during winters to protect these sensitive and essential parts of your body.
You should overlook several eye threats that may turn severe if not treated properly or taken care of timely. In this article, we are going to talk about the major eye diseases or problems that can occur during the winter season.
1. Dryness
During winters, the humidity level increases inside as well as outside your home. The warm air inside the house decreases the humidity level. Your skin becomes dry, lips chap and eye dryness can also occur. This brings the necessity to keep your eyes moisturized. The cold winds can further lead to dry eyes. You should take omega 3s and use humidifiers inside your house.
2. Redness
During winters your eyes can face inflammation, tenderness, and redness. Your eyelids might become swollen or you might have eye discoloration. The reasons behind such symptoms are many. It can be a case of seasonal allergy or snow blindness or eye dryness. If it is your eyes that are pestered than your eyelid spasms. You should use a damp cloth to provide cold compression. If the redness persists, then you should consult an eye doctor. You can find an eye clinic in Los Angeles, California very easily.
3. Sunburn
When we think of sunburn redness, blisters of skin often are the first pictures that pop up in our minds. Your eyes can be damaged permanently if you expose them to bright light for a long time. If you feel pain and irritation in your eyes, then it is likely that they have sustained UV damage. If you are adventure enthusiasts who love skiing and iter such activities, then you should never forget to wear eye protectors.
If you are a resident of Los Angeles, California then you must consult a good Ophthalmologist in Los Angeles, California to get treatment for your eye sunburn so that the long-term complications can be handled on time. Macular degeneration and loss of vision are examples of such long-term complications that you might face if you keep ignoring your eye sunburn in early stages.

4. Excess Tearing
Eye tears can occur due to reasons like seasonal allergies or biting winds or cold air. The cause can be determined only if you notice when you pay attention when water runs through your eyes. You should wear sunglasses if your eyes water when they are getting exposed to the cold or biting wind. You should put eye drops in case this happens inside your home. Visit an eye hospital in Los Angeles, California if the problem persists.
5. Light Sensitivity
Many of you can become affected by snow blindness during winter seasons which is a form of light sensitivity. Winter season brings darker skies, but the reflective surfaces are created by snowfall that optimizes the light. You might feel discomfort due to this.
6. Vision Changes
Low temperature can be another reason to affect our eyes apart from dryness and light conditions. The eye muscles contract in very low and freezing temperatures. The affected blood vessels can cause issues like double and blurry vision.
If you live in Los Angeles, California, United States of America then you can visit Dr. Rohit Varma . If you are planning for your Cataract Surgery in Los Angeles, California by the best eye surgeon in Los Angeles, California then this can be your right choice.